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How important is it to rank well in google for your business?

What do you think of when you hear the word “Google”?

Somebody would say it’s a multinational company, another one would say that it’s a tool that we use to ask questions and search for answers on the Internet. A marketer would say that Google is a great tool for inbound marketing. But what is Google for your business? Does it have any importance and impact on it? Should we think about Google when we create a website? Let’s go bit by bit.

Top Results Appear First

When an Internet user searches for something on Google, the first page of search results will display the most popular text fragments that the search engine believes most closely corresponds to the request. In most cases, the user will only check the top results on the first page skipping the rest of the search results. Therefore, if your website is low in Google ranking, it will not be displayed at the top of the search. This is why it is important to put the page in the top search results since pages from the top ten are most often displayed on the first page.

Business’ Credibility

It’s also important to mention that displaying in Top Search Results Page significantly increases the credibility of the website in the eyes of the Internet users, which respectively enhances the authenticity of your business in the eyes of its clients. That is a psychological factor that can benefit a business’ image and differentiate it among rivals.

Leads and Traffic

When a website is displayed in Top Search Results, it also essentially increases the visibility of the site driving more leads and traffic to it. Can you believe that websites that are at the top of searching results capture 36.4% of the traffic that is missed by websites with a lower rating? This means that a business misses a lot of opportunities if its website appears even on the second page of the search results.

Increase the Conversion Rate

Companies that are ranked higher in Google can significantly increase their conversion rate and for that, you have to keep in mind the reviews and overall rating of the company on Google. The higher your rating and the more positive reviews you get, the better your conversion rate will be.

What impacts your ranking on Google?

There are about 200 factors that Google uses when sorting sites in the search engine and ranking it. All of them in one way or another affect Google rankings, but among the factors that have the greatest impact on ranking are site architecture, domain security, incoming links, topic selection, individual keywords, structured content, meta tags, and website speed. Focus on these factors strengthening your website’s security, architecture, design, content, and tailoring keywords, and it will pay off rank your site at the top of the search results list. However, bear in mind that after getting to the top you need to continuously work on website and SEO to stay there and differentiate among competitors.

We hope that now you understand the importance of Google ranking, and do not underestimate the impact that Google can have on your business. So if you want to be successful on Google, we highly recommend you to hire an expert SEO Agency that will create an effective strategy for you and help you to get rid of the Google ranking problem.

Ares Saldaña
Ares Saldaña
Since 2005, I have been helping clients find and develop new systems, products, or solutions that address their business challenges and problems. As the founder of Phidev, a digital marketing agency, and a partner at Audisatt, a data-driven SaaS audit company, I combine technology, data, and design to create and deliver effective and innovative online campaigns and platforms. My passion lies in generating and developing ideas that leverage my expertise in marketing strategy, digital marketing, content development, and product/software development. I also enjoy leading and managing teams that share my vision and values of delivering high-quality and customer-centric results. I am always eager to learn new skills and technologies that can enhance my performance and expand my knowledge.